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Line could be considered  a moving dot or an endless number of uses in the art  world and also can define edges.



 Shape is natural but may be made by man, regular or irregular, some flat or solid abstract, geometric or organic.


Color is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back and has three properties.



Tone is the lightness or darkness of colors which positive and negative areas have a sense of depth achieved in a work of art .



Form is the objects that are 3-Dimensional, or dealing with length, width, and height.


Texture is the tactile qualities of the physical surface or the feel of the object.




Space looks at  an area that  includes negative space and positive plus the background, foreground and middle ground’




Balance is visual equilibrium, and gives you a sense of yin and yang effect.





 Contrast is  the arrangement of opposite elements  light and dark colors, rough and smooth , large and small .



Emphasis brings attention to an area or object within the artwork and becomes a focal point




 Movement can be  the feeling of action  conveyed by lines coming from the object that is moving.




A pattern is a repetition of specific visual elements




Rhythm in art can be called tempo which is achieved by  the placing of an element within the composition.




 Unity occurs when  elements of a piece combine to make the complete whole of the artwork.

I decided to do a vector image of me using adobe illustrator, this is the program that I love to use on a lot of my project because I like the vector imaging aspect of the program.

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